Disable Pop-Up Blockers on Mac: Tame the Annoying & Access What You Need Safely

In the digital jungle, pop-up windows can be like unwelcome visitors, interrupting your browsing flow and sometimes even threatening your online safety. While pop-up blockers act as valiant gatekeepers, protecting you from unwanted intrusions, there might be times when you need to let them through. Perhaps you’re trying to access a legitimate website feature hidden behind a pop-up, or maybe you’re completing a specific online task that requires temporary pop-up allowances.

But if you’re a Mac user, navigating the pop-up blocker landscape can be a bit confusing. Fear not, intrepid browser! This guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to temporarily disable pop-up blockers on your Mac, allowing you to access the content you need while staying informed about the potential risks involved.

Understanding the Mac Pop-Up Blocker Ecosystem

Before we dive into the disabling process, let’s first understand the players involved. Mac’s pop-up blocker comes in two flavors:

  • Safari’s built-in pop-up blocker: This is the default blocker active when you use Safari, Apple’s native browser.
  • Third-party extensions: You can also install additional pop-up blocker extensions from the App Store for enhanced protection.

Disable Pop-Up Blockers on Mac

Disabling Safari’s Built-in Pop-Up Blocker

Now, let’s get down to business! Here’s how to disable the pop-up blocker in Safari:

  1. Access Safari Preferences by selecting “Preferences” from the “Safari” menu located in the top left corner of your screen.
  2. Navigate to the “Websites” tab: Click on the “Websites” tab at the top of the Preferences window.
  3. Opt for “Pop-up Windows”: Pick “Pop-up Windows” in the menu on the left-hand side.
  4. Decide your blocking preference: You have two options here:
    • Allow all pop-up windows: Click the “Allow” button next to “When visiting other websites.” This will disable the pop-up blocker for all websites. Proceed with caution!
    • Allow pop-ups for specific websites: Click on the “Add website” button below “Block pop-up windows for.” Enter the URL of the website where you want to allow pop-ups and click “Add.” You can repeat this process for as many websites as needed.
  5. Close Preferences: Once you’ve made your selection, close the Preferences window.

Disabling Third-Party Pop-Up Blocker Extensions

If you’re using a third-party pop-up blocker extension, the disabling process will vary depending on the specific extension. However, the general steps often involve:

  1. Opening the extension’s settings: Look for the extension’s icon in the Safari menu bar or the top right corner of your screen. To configure it, simply click on it.
  2. Finding the pop-up blocking toggle: Look for a setting related to pop-up blocking. This could be titled as “Activate Pop-up Blocker” or “Prevent Pop-up Windows.”
  3. Disabling the pop-up blocker: Toggle the switch or checkbox to disable the pop-up blocking feature.
  4. Restart Safari (optional): Some extensions might require a Safari restart for the changes to take effect.


While disabling pop-up blockers can be helpful in certain situations, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks involved. Pop-up windows can be used by malicious actors to spread malware, steal sensitive information, or inject unwanted ads. Therefore, it’s important to:

  • Only disable pop-up blockers for trusted websites: This means websites you visit regularly and know are safe.
  • Avoid disabling pop-up blockers for extended periods: Enable them again as soon as you’re finished with the task that requires pop-up access.
  • Consider using a content blocker: Content blockers offer a more comprehensive approach to online protection, blocking not only pop-up windows but also malicious scripts and trackers.

Alternative Solutions

In some cases, there might be alternative solutions to disabling pop-up blockers altogether. For example:

  • Look for a “non-pop-up” version of the content you’re trying to access: Some websites might offer alternative ways to access the content you need, such as through a download or a dedicated page.
  • Contact the website owner: If you’re having trouble accessing legitimate content due to the pop-up blocker, you can try contacting the website owner and explaining the situation.


Disabling pop-up blockers can be a useful tool in specific situations, but it’s important to approach it with caution and awareness of the potential risks involved.